How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?
Sharyl Attkisson Investigates Vaccine Advocates Taking Funding From The
Companies Whose Vaccines They Endorse
Pediatrician, Vaccine Scrutiny
Government officials and some scientists say there's no link between
vaccines and autism ? And they're often backed by independent experts. But
how "independent" are they? Sharyl Attkisson reports.
(CBS) For years some parents and scientists have raised concerns about
vaccine safety, including a possible link to autism and ADD. Many
independent experts have sided with government officials and other
scientists who say there's no possible connection. But how "independent" are
they? CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson shares here's
what she found.
They're some of the most trusted voices in the defense of vaccine safety:
the American Academy of Pediatrics, Every Child By Two, and pediatrician Dr.
Paul Offit.
But CBS News has found these three have something more in common - strong
financial ties to the industry whose products they promote and defend.
The vaccine industry gives millions to the Academy of Pediatrics for
conferences, grants, medical education classes and even helped build their
headquarters. The totals are kept secret, but public documents reveal bits
and pieces.
A $342,000 payment from Wyeth, maker of the pneumococcal vaccine - which
makes $2 billion a year in sales.
A $433,000 contribution from Merck, the same year the academy endorsed Merck
s HPV vaccine - which made $1.5 billion a year in sales.
Another top donor: Sanofi Aventis, maker of 17 vaccines and a new
five-in-one combo shot just added to the childhood vaccine schedule last
Every Child By Two, a group that promotes early immunization for all
children, admits the group takes money from the vaccine industry, too - but
wouldn't tell us how much.
A spokesman told CBS News: "There are simply no conflicts to be unearthed."
But guess who's listed as the group's treasurers? Officials from Wyeth and a
paid advisor to big pharmaceutical clients.
Then there's Paul Offit, perhaps the most widely-quoted defender of vaccine
He's gone so far as to say babies can tolerate "10,000 vaccines at once."
This is how Offit described himself in a previous interview: "I'm the chief
of infectious disease at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor
of pediatrics at Penn's medical school," he said.
Offit was not willing to be interviewed on this subject but like others in
this CBS News investigation, he has strong industry ties. In fact, he's a
vaccine industry insider.
Offit holds in a $1.5 million dollar research chair at Children's Hospital,
funded by Merck. He holds the patent on an anti-diarrhea vaccine he
developed with Merck, Rotateq, which has prevented thousands of
And future royalties for the vaccine were just sold for $182 million cash.
Dr. Offit's share of vaccine profits? Unknown.
There's nothing illegal about the financial relationships, but to critics,
they pose a serious risk for conflicts of interest. As one member of
Congress put it, money from the pharmaceutical industry can shape the
practices of those who hold themselves out to be "independent. "
The American Academy of Pediatrics, Every Child By Two and Dr. Offit would
not agree to interviews, but all told us they're up front about the money
they receive, and it doesn't sway their opinions.
Today's immunization schedule now calls for kids to get 55 doses of vaccines
by age 6.
Ideally, it makes for a healthier society. But critics worry that industry
ties could impact the advice given to the public about all those vaccines. Article on the Web
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
HPV Vaccine Info
It has been awhile since I have been on my HPV vaccine soap box but in the last month I heard/read reports of more than 8 deaths from the vaccine! The part that upsets me the most is they are calling it a cancer vaccine, but contracting HPV doesn't automatically mean you will develop cervical cancer. Most cases clear on their own, with the person never even knowing they had it! Below is a list that was compiled recently with some of the main facts about the vaccine (the ones your doctor isn't going to be telling you). It also includes a link to the VAERS website which will show just how many adverse reactions have been reported (again the FDA estimates only 10% of adverse reactions are reported...) Stepping down now ;)
Doctors are pushing the HPV Vaccine, Gardasil on many women, young
girls, and there is talk of it being marketed for boys (throat
What the doctors fail to tell their patients is:
There are over 100 subtypes of HPV. You are only vaccinating against
4. If you are sexually active and have been exposed to one of the 4
strains that you are vaccinating against, you dramatically increase
your risk of cervical cancer.
95% of HPV cases resolve on their own and do not turn into cervical
cancer (without vaccinating for it).
This vaccine was approved for use in girls 9 - 26 years of age.
It was only tested by the drug manufacturer on 1,200 girls (none young)
before the FDA approved it. They are relying on adverse reactions
reported to determine its true safety (which they do with most
vaccines - post market studies). The FDA doesn't test anything - they
leave that to all drug manufacturers.
Several young girls who have never had sex before reportedly developed
genital warts from the vaccine.
The vaccine actually contains a cultered sexually transmitted disease.
The vaccine contains Boric Acid (aka Sodium Borate) which is a known
ant-killer. Although the FDA has banned Boric Acid in any amount in
our food supply, they approved it for use in the vaccine. It is also
known to decrease fertility in lab animals.
After this vaccine came on the market, within 15 months there were over
3,400 adverse reaction reports filed (to include death and many life-
threatening situations were the patient did not recover). This is
pretty scary considering the Center for Disease Control Admits that
less than 10% of reactions are even reported and less than 1% of
serious reactions are ever reported also.
This vaccine comes with a long list of side effects to include:
Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Loss of Consciousness, Seizures, Convulsions,
Swollen Body Parts, Facial Paralysis (a form of GBS), Heart/Kidney
Disorders, Arthritis, Joint Pain, Difficulty Breathing, Miscarriages,
Birth Defects, Menstrual Irregularities, Genital Warts, Vaginal
Lesions, HPV infection, and Death.
If you wish to view all reports filed on this vaccine, click on the
link below.
Doctors are pushing the HPV Vaccine, Gardasil on many women, young
girls, and there is talk of it being marketed for boys (throat
What the doctors fail to tell their patients is:
There are over 100 subtypes of HPV. You are only vaccinating against
4. If you are sexually active and have been exposed to one of the 4
strains that you are vaccinating against, you dramatically increase
your risk of cervical cancer.
95% of HPV cases resolve on their own and do not turn into cervical
cancer (without vaccinating for it).
This vaccine was approved for use in girls 9 - 26 years of age.
It was only tested by the drug manufacturer on 1,200 girls (none young)
before the FDA approved it. They are relying on adverse reactions
reported to determine its true safety (which they do with most
vaccines - post market studies). The FDA doesn't test anything - they
leave that to all drug manufacturers.
Several young girls who have never had sex before reportedly developed
genital warts from the vaccine.
The vaccine actually contains a cultered sexually transmitted disease.
The vaccine contains Boric Acid (aka Sodium Borate) which is a known
ant-killer. Although the FDA has banned Boric Acid in any amount in
our food supply, they approved it for use in the vaccine. It is also
known to decrease fertility in lab animals.
After this vaccine came on the market, within 15 months there were over
3,400 adverse reaction reports filed (to include death and many life-
threatening situations were the patient did not recover). This is
pretty scary considering the Center for Disease Control Admits that
less than 10% of reactions are even reported and less than 1% of
serious reactions are ever reported also.
This vaccine comes with a long list of side effects to include:
Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Loss of Consciousness, Seizures, Convulsions,
Swollen Body Parts, Facial Paralysis (a form of GBS), Heart/Kidney
Disorders, Arthritis, Joint Pain, Difficulty Breathing, Miscarriages,
Birth Defects, Menstrual Irregularities, Genital Warts, Vaginal
Lesions, HPV infection, and Death.
If you wish to view all reports filed on this vaccine, click on the
link below.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Herd Immunity

The term "herd immunity" is one that is used often when speaking of vaccines. The medical, or allopathic theory is that since not everyone can be vaccinated, everyone that can be vaccinated needs to be, to protect "the herd". As I have gotten farther into my research and education on vaccines I wasn't surprised (though you may be) to find that there are those of us who do NOT want protection from these diseases in any other form than natural immunity. My children would be far better off with a case of the measles and life long immunity this way, than a vaccine that claims to last around 5-10 years with lifelong boosters required. Initially I was extremely fearful of my children contracting these "vaccine preventable" diseases. I want all to know in my research of vaccines I have also spent countless hours learning about the reality of these diseases. The doctors who support vaccination, media, and fearful parents do a good job of instilling fear into parents causing them to think that vaccines are the best route. Once you recognize the fear that is built around these once common childhood illnesses, it becomes hard to justify a vaccine. As more and more vaccines are produced when are you going to say enough! Looking at the list of vaccines do you know what they are for? Do you know the reality of the disease? Did you know that as vaccines suppress one disease others are emerging. Even if you aren't questioning vaccines and their safety, you should question how much you know about them. Vaccine encyclopedia Vaccine Information Website. Also educate yourself on vaccine reactions, the paper that the doctor gives you before the shots are administered are a great starting point. Just because it is listed on that paper doesn't mean it is normal, just common. Fevers, screaming, lethargy, are 3 of the most common, and while a doctor would have you believe okay, a fever after a shot is the bodies way of trying to rid itself of poinsons (along the same lines of fever when sick). Ask yourself how much you know, and then ask how much you want to know... We are only able to become voices of safety for ours, and our children's health when we are educated! The following is an excellent explanation of herd immunity written by Meryl Dorey of Australia's vaccine advocate organization (a great place to start your research)
"And actually, herd immunity itself never had any relation to
vaccination. I remember hearing Viera Scheibner speak about this and I
think it's in her book which is now out of print, as well.
There was a researcher in the 1930's named Hedrich (not sure if I've
spelled that right or not - doing this from memory) who was studying
cattle - an actual HERD! LOL Anyway, there was a disease that lots of
cattle get and what he found was that when enough of the calves had
contracted this disease and recovered from it, there would be a long
inter-epidemic period when there might be a sporadic case or two, but
there would not be any epidemics until there were enough susceptible
young cattle around to sustain a larger outbreak. This was then called
herd immunity. He found that when approximately 60-65% of the cattle
were immune due to infection, there would be a period of 3 to 4 years
without an outbreak. Then, the outbreak would occur - not because of any
lifetime immunity amongst the population - but simply because young
cattle had been born and did not have this native immunity from
Herd immunity NEVER had anything to do with vaccinations.. It was simply
a concept which was opportunistically grabbed by people who had a
vaccine barrow to push and spread by the media which neither thinks nor
questions any statements made by doctors or pharmaceutical company
Today in both the US and Australia (the only countries whose statistics
I am familiar enough with to make this comment) though vaccination
against whooping cough is in excess of the rates postulated to represent
herd immunity - when we have been told that there will be no disease at
all - we have more cases of whooping cough per capita than at any time
since prior to mass vaccination campaigns began.
Now, if whooping cough vaccination provided even MINIMAL protection from
the disease, we would expect to have seen a decline in incidence.
Instead, we have seen incidence shoot up.
This is because vaccines only produce antibodies - and as has been said
many times - antibodies do not equal immunity.
Herd immunity has nothing to do with vaccination and will never mean the
end of disease - it is only a term meant to indicate that there are
either more or less susceptible individuals in the 'herd' being studied.
And as an interesting side note - one effect that vaccinations have had
on the herd immunity has been to shorten the inter-epidemic period
between outbreaks. These used to occur with most childhood diseases in
3-5 year cycles. That cycle has now been shortened for most of these
illnesses to 2-3 years apart. Great job vaccine! NOT!"
All the best,
Friday, July 11, 2008
I have wanted to do a post on this for a long time, but the information is so much, and condensing it is a challenge. Therefore, there may be some good follow up articles on this, as well as many more updates on this alone. I hear you ask what is it? The LIVER! I didn't know much about how my body worked (the basics from high school health class) and to be honest didn't really care. As I became more enlightend about my health, my desire to know how my body worked grew. The first organ that I learned more about was the liver, and to date it is still my favorite. It helped encourage me to change me diet, upon learning that I really am what I eat. I am sure that at another time in my life I would have recieved this information and brushed it off with an, that will never happen to me attitude. Now I am grateful for the information and the knowledge that I AM in control of what happens to my body, the illnesses, the diesease, and complications that may arise are a direct result of my choices. Let's begin:
What is the Liver? The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and is present in vertebrates and some other animals. The liver is necessary for survival; a human can only last up to 24 hours without liver function. The adult human liver normally weighs between 1.4 - 1.6 kilograms (3.1 - 3.5 pounds),[4] and it is a soft, pinkish-brown, triangular organ. Averaging about the size of an American football in adults, it is both the largest internal organ and the largest gland in the human body. It is located on the right side of the upper abdomen below the diaphragm anatomy. The liver lies to the right of the stomach and overlies the gallbladder.
What does my liver do? Your liver acts as a processing plant. It receives everything that you put into your mouth and that ends up in your blood stream, does its best to sort out useful nutrients and harmful substances, and then packages these nutrients and harmful substances to be delivered to your cells and eliminated from your body, respectively. The liver is responsible for regulating most chemical levels in the blood. When you swallow a pill, the medication typically travels via the bloodstream from your stomach to your liver. There, one or more types of liver enzyme process the drug, breaking it down into forms that are easier for the rest of the body to use. Some of the drug travels on through your bloodstream; the rest is tagged as poisonous and filtered out.
How does what I consume affect my liver? Let's take medication for an example. How often do you hear on the medication commercials on tv that if you have liver failure to not take the medication and that you will need to have you blood tested so your doctor can monitor you liver function? Okay you might not hear that part but because I am sensitive to it I hear it! Danny had what we thought was some type of fungus growing under his big toenail for a really long time, he went to the doctor (this was about 7 years ago) and was given a prescription for Lamisil. The doctor said to take it but after 2 weeks come back for blood work to check your liver function. Blindly Danny complied. After 2 weeks he got the blood work done and the doctor advised him to stop taking the medication. A few thoughts on this: I am grateful the doctor knew enough to advise the bloodwork, and I grateful that Danny complied and didn't just keep taking the drup, I wish we had known more to have helped Danny avoid taking the liver damaging medicine in the first place. After a year in Chiropractic School Danny was able to diagnos his condition on his own. Psoriasis. The medication given by the doctor was for this, but there was never any communication to that point. The medication doesn't "cure" the condition it masks the symptoms, and can cause liver damage. Yes there are natural way to help psoriasis, a healthy immune system and body is the number one way. Upon changing our lifestyles Danny's condition has improved considerably and his liver is better for it too!
The liver is the gateway to the body and in this chemical age its detoxification systems are easily overloaded. Thousands of chemicals are added to food and over 700 have been identified in drinking water. Plants are sprayed with toxic chemicals, animals are injected with potent hormones and antibiotics and a significant amount of our food is genetically engineered, processed, refined, frozen and cooked. All this can lead to destruction of delicate vitamins and minerals, which are needed for the detoxification pathways in the liver. The liver must try to cope with every toxic chemical in our environment, as well as damaged fats that are present in processed and fried
If you are taking medication I would hope that you would reevaluate the necesity of the drug. Can a change in lifestyle eliminate the need? Is it really necassary? Find out the complications is may cause and insist on bloodwork being done by your practitioner. Furthermore, if you must continue the medication take extra care as to what else you consume lessening the burden on your AWESOME liver!
I know the following list is a long one, but double check if for youself and your loved ones. (it hasn't been updated since 2003 so I can only imagine the number of drugs that it is missing of special note the new cholesterol lowering drugs can be highly dangerous for you liver, and from what I have read don't really work!click for more on statins)
This list is just a general guideline. Many drugs affect the liver to one degree or another and we can't list all of them here; new drugs are always being approved for general use. Read the accompanying literature with your prescriptions and always consult with your doctor or pharmacist about any new medication if you have liver disease! Click to go to the list
What is the Liver? The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and is present in vertebrates and some other animals. The liver is necessary for survival; a human can only last up to 24 hours without liver function. The adult human liver normally weighs between 1.4 - 1.6 kilograms (3.1 - 3.5 pounds),[4] and it is a soft, pinkish-brown, triangular organ. Averaging about the size of an American football in adults, it is both the largest internal organ and the largest gland in the human body. It is located on the right side of the upper abdomen below the diaphragm anatomy. The liver lies to the right of the stomach and overlies the gallbladder.
What does my liver do? Your liver acts as a processing plant. It receives everything that you put into your mouth and that ends up in your blood stream, does its best to sort out useful nutrients and harmful substances, and then packages these nutrients and harmful substances to be delivered to your cells and eliminated from your body, respectively. The liver is responsible for regulating most chemical levels in the blood. When you swallow a pill, the medication typically travels via the bloodstream from your stomach to your liver. There, one or more types of liver enzyme process the drug, breaking it down into forms that are easier for the rest of the body to use. Some of the drug travels on through your bloodstream; the rest is tagged as poisonous and filtered out.
How does what I consume affect my liver? Let's take medication for an example. How often do you hear on the medication commercials on tv that if you have liver failure to not take the medication and that you will need to have you blood tested so your doctor can monitor you liver function? Okay you might not hear that part but because I am sensitive to it I hear it! Danny had what we thought was some type of fungus growing under his big toenail for a really long time, he went to the doctor (this was about 7 years ago) and was given a prescription for Lamisil. The doctor said to take it but after 2 weeks come back for blood work to check your liver function. Blindly Danny complied. After 2 weeks he got the blood work done and the doctor advised him to stop taking the medication. A few thoughts on this: I am grateful the doctor knew enough to advise the bloodwork, and I grateful that Danny complied and didn't just keep taking the drup, I wish we had known more to have helped Danny avoid taking the liver damaging medicine in the first place. After a year in Chiropractic School Danny was able to diagnos his condition on his own. Psoriasis. The medication given by the doctor was for this, but there was never any communication to that point. The medication doesn't "cure" the condition it masks the symptoms, and can cause liver damage. Yes there are natural way to help psoriasis, a healthy immune system and body is the number one way. Upon changing our lifestyles Danny's condition has improved considerably and his liver is better for it too!
The liver is the gateway to the body and in this chemical age its detoxification systems are easily overloaded. Thousands of chemicals are added to food and over 700 have been identified in drinking water. Plants are sprayed with toxic chemicals, animals are injected with potent hormones and antibiotics and a significant amount of our food is genetically engineered, processed, refined, frozen and cooked. All this can lead to destruction of delicate vitamins and minerals, which are needed for the detoxification pathways in the liver. The liver must try to cope with every toxic chemical in our environment, as well as damaged fats that are present in processed and fried
If you are taking medication I would hope that you would reevaluate the necesity of the drug. Can a change in lifestyle eliminate the need? Is it really necassary? Find out the complications is may cause and insist on bloodwork being done by your practitioner. Furthermore, if you must continue the medication take extra care as to what else you consume lessening the burden on your AWESOME liver!
I know the following list is a long one, but double check if for youself and your loved ones. (it hasn't been updated since 2003 so I can only imagine the number of drugs that it is missing of special note the new cholesterol lowering drugs can be highly dangerous for you liver, and from what I have read don't really work!click for more on statins)
This list is just a general guideline. Many drugs affect the liver to one degree or another and we can't list all of them here; new drugs are always being approved for general use. Read the accompanying literature with your prescriptions and always consult with your doctor or pharmacist about any new medication if you have liver disease! Click to go to the list
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Fluoride II
And you thought I was going to skip out again! A little late, but always great! The flouride discussion continues:
When several regions in the former East Germany halted the artificial fluoridation of their water, they braced themselves for an expected rise in dental caries (cavities). However, as it turns out, they needn't have worried at all, since dental decay rates actually WENT DOWN.
Although this outcome would seem contrary to commonly held beliefs, researchers hypothesize that the broader availability and application of preventive measures such as fluoride toothpaste, as well as improvements in attitudes towards oral health behavior.
According to researchers, following the cessation of public water fluoridation, " ... a significant fall in caries prevalence was observed. This trend corresponded to the national caries decline and appeared to be a new population-wide phenomenon."
In other words, cavity rates are coming down throughout Germany, irrelevant to whether or not the water is fluoridated.
Researchers studied more than 15,000 children in the formerly fluoridated German towns of Spremberg and Zittau.
Children had been examined repeatedly over the last 20 years.
Caries levels for 12-year-old children significantly decreased during the years 1993 through 1996.
DMFT fell from 2.36 to 1.45 (38.5%) in Spremberg and from 2.47 to 1.96 (20.6%) in Zittau.
According to the study, the results provide " ... further support for the contention that caries prevalence may continue to fall after the reduction of fluoride concentration in the water supply from about 1 ppm to below 0.2 ppm F."
The authors not that similar findings have been reported following the removal of fluoridation programs in the towns of Chemnitz and Plauen.
They also note that the average DMFT of 1.81 for the 12-year-old children in the 4 fluoride-free towns " ... is the lowest observed in East Germany during the past 40 years".
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology October 2000; 28: 382-9
The use of professional dental applications of fluoride may not be providing any benefit to children, even though they are widely used and generally accepted to reduce the rate of tooth decay.
This study evaluated the association between this practice and the number of cavities. The data from over 15,000 children and for treatment provided by over 1,500 different dentists, were analyzed.
The researchers followed-up with the children for a period averaging over 5 years. No difference in tooth decay rates were seen for "baby" or permanent teeth.
The authors note that there are already numerous recommendations that professionally applied topical fluorides should be used only in children with moderate to high rates of decay.
However, they question whether these guidelines are being followed, considering the fact that approximately two-thirds of the children in the study received topical fluoride at every recall visit, nearly two times per year.
J Public Health Dent 2000; 60: 33-8
Hmmmmm very interesting...
When several regions in the former East Germany halted the artificial fluoridation of their water, they braced themselves for an expected rise in dental caries (cavities). However, as it turns out, they needn't have worried at all, since dental decay rates actually WENT DOWN.
Although this outcome would seem contrary to commonly held beliefs, researchers hypothesize that the broader availability and application of preventive measures such as fluoride toothpaste, as well as improvements in attitudes towards oral health behavior.
According to researchers, following the cessation of public water fluoridation, " ... a significant fall in caries prevalence was observed. This trend corresponded to the national caries decline and appeared to be a new population-wide phenomenon."
In other words, cavity rates are coming down throughout Germany, irrelevant to whether or not the water is fluoridated.
Researchers studied more than 15,000 children in the formerly fluoridated German towns of Spremberg and Zittau.
Children had been examined repeatedly over the last 20 years.
Caries levels for 12-year-old children significantly decreased during the years 1993 through 1996.
DMFT fell from 2.36 to 1.45 (38.5%) in Spremberg and from 2.47 to 1.96 (20.6%) in Zittau.
According to the study, the results provide " ... further support for the contention that caries prevalence may continue to fall after the reduction of fluoride concentration in the water supply from about 1 ppm to below 0.2 ppm F."
The authors not that similar findings have been reported following the removal of fluoridation programs in the towns of Chemnitz and Plauen.
They also note that the average DMFT of 1.81 for the 12-year-old children in the 4 fluoride-free towns " ... is the lowest observed in East Germany during the past 40 years".
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology October 2000; 28: 382-9
The use of professional dental applications of fluoride may not be providing any benefit to children, even though they are widely used and generally accepted to reduce the rate of tooth decay.
This study evaluated the association between this practice and the number of cavities. The data from over 15,000 children and for treatment provided by over 1,500 different dentists, were analyzed.
The researchers followed-up with the children for a period averaging over 5 years. No difference in tooth decay rates were seen for "baby" or permanent teeth.
The authors note that there are already numerous recommendations that professionally applied topical fluorides should be used only in children with moderate to high rates of decay.
However, they question whether these guidelines are being followed, considering the fact that approximately two-thirds of the children in the study received topical fluoride at every recall visit, nearly two times per year.
J Public Health Dent 2000; 60: 33-8
Hmmmmm very interesting...
Fluoride in the Water
I have to gather my thoughts on this and will give it my all later today, as for now the laundry and children beckon, read on this research and let me know what you think! FLUORIDE!!!!!
Water Fluoridation & Tooth Decay :
1) The addition of fluoride to water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay began in the 1940s with the belief that fluoride's primary benefit came from ingestion of fluoride during the tooth-forming years. It is now acknowledged by the dental research community, however, that fluoride's primary benefit comes from topical contact with teeth, and not from ingestion as previously assumed. It is also now acknowledged that fluoride is ineffective at preventing tooth decay in the pits & fissures of teeth - where the majority of decay occurs.
2) It is well recognized that tooth decay rates declined quite dramatically in all western countries in the latter half of the 20th century - irrespective of whether the country fluoridated its water or not. Today, tooth decay rates thoughout continental western Europe - where 98% of the population does not drink fluoridated water - are as low as the tooth decay rates in the United States, where a majority of the population drinks fluoridated water.
3) Within countries that fluoridate their water, recent large-scale surveys of dental health - utilizing modern scientific methods not employed in the early surveys from the 1930s-1950s - have found little difference in tooth decay , including "baby bottle tooth decay", between fluoridated and unfluoridated communities.
4) The largest dental survey ever conducted in the United States, by the National Institute of Dental Research in 1986-87, found no difference in Decayed, Missing & Filled Teeth, and a minimal difference in Decayed, Missing & Filled Surfaces among children who had lived their entire lives in a fluoridated or unfluoridated community.
5) Since 2000, four studies have reported that tooth decay does not increase, but continues to decrease, after water fluoridation is stopped.
6) Water fluoridation is often promoted as a means of preventing dental crises within low-income populations. It is becoming evident, however, that water fluoridation has been ineffective at preventing widespread tooth decay in poor urban areas of the United States - most of which have been fluoridated for 20 to 50 years.
Article on the web.
Water Fluoridation & Tooth Decay :
1) The addition of fluoride to water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay began in the 1940s with the belief that fluoride's primary benefit came from ingestion of fluoride during the tooth-forming years. It is now acknowledged by the dental research community, however, that fluoride's primary benefit comes from topical contact with teeth, and not from ingestion as previously assumed. It is also now acknowledged that fluoride is ineffective at preventing tooth decay in the pits & fissures of teeth - where the majority of decay occurs.
2) It is well recognized that tooth decay rates declined quite dramatically in all western countries in the latter half of the 20th century - irrespective of whether the country fluoridated its water or not. Today, tooth decay rates thoughout continental western Europe - where 98% of the population does not drink fluoridated water - are as low as the tooth decay rates in the United States, where a majority of the population drinks fluoridated water.
3) Within countries that fluoridate their water, recent large-scale surveys of dental health - utilizing modern scientific methods not employed in the early surveys from the 1930s-1950s - have found little difference in tooth decay , including "baby bottle tooth decay", between fluoridated and unfluoridated communities.
4) The largest dental survey ever conducted in the United States, by the National Institute of Dental Research in 1986-87, found no difference in Decayed, Missing & Filled Teeth, and a minimal difference in Decayed, Missing & Filled Surfaces among children who had lived their entire lives in a fluoridated or unfluoridated community.
5) Since 2000, four studies have reported that tooth decay does not increase, but continues to decrease, after water fluoridation is stopped.
6) Water fluoridation is often promoted as a means of preventing dental crises within low-income populations. It is becoming evident, however, that water fluoridation has been ineffective at preventing widespread tooth decay in poor urban areas of the United States - most of which have been fluoridated for 20 to 50 years.
Article on the web.
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