Friday, May 16, 2008

Why I go to the Chiropractor

It is actually Thursday night, but I am so prepared these days that I am getting Friday's info up a day early! This is a great (short) video about chiropractic and a little about innate intelligence. I went from being a person who had about zero knowledge about chiropractic and it's benefits to a 100% believer, who couldn't live without it. Chiropractic has helped me in so many ways. I found relief from symptoms that I didn't even know I had. Our bodies have a way of making us function, and after feeling the pain for awhile, we become numb to it. It was first (and best) explained to me like this; pinch the thumb on your left hand with your thumb and first finger of your right hand. Hold this for a few minutes, as the time goes on the pinching sensation seems to lesson, and almost go away. This is your bodies way of adapting so it can function. After being adjusted the first time it felt like a 15 pound weight had been lifted off of my left shoulder. Five years ago I had pain underneath my left shoulder blade. It was right after I had Alison and Lisa and although it got worse for a period of time it slowly went away, until I couldn't feel the pain anymore. I thought I was healed, cured, fine. After my first adjustment I immediately knew why I was feeling the relief, and was amazed that although I wasn't feeling the pain, my body was still silently suffering from the problem. After a few months of adjustments I started to know when I was "out" because I had a hard time falling asleep at night. Being in alignment I am able to put my head on the pillow and in a matter of minutes be asleep for the night. I am now practically headache free, when I do feel one coming on I get adjusted and it goes away. I had a headache for the first time, in a long time, when I was sick and couldn't believe that I used to accept it as something that just happened and I would fix with a Diet Coke! As you can tell I could go on for quite some time about why I love and believe in chiropractic, but I will save some for another Friday. In the mean time enjoy the show. (the slides do go a little fast, I am sorry about that but it's not my video so you may have to watch it twice.)

And if you would like to know more about innate intelligence visit Why Chiropractic Innate Intelligence.

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