Friday, May 16, 2008

Will I have to see the Chiropractor Forever?

It was mentioned to me the other day that once you see a chiropractor you will HAVE To go forever, this was my response:
The basic philosophy of chiropractic is not to relieve a symptom but to enable your body to function at it's optimal level. They do this through the nervous system, which is mostly located in your spine, hence the adjusment in the spine. If the nervous system is at's it's best this will enable the other systems in the body to be as well. This is done by finding and correcting subluxations (nerve interference in the spinal column this can be because of physical, emotional, or chemical trauma to the body). Once recognizing that not just physcial trauma can cause a subluxation needing chiropractic care for more than just headaches or car accidents becomes more clear. For most people care can be frequent at first, as much as three times a week. But after this initial period it becomes a matter of maintenance. Once a week, once a month, every other month. It is whatever you decide is best for you.
For myself personally I didn't think I NEEDED care. I felt pretty good most of the time, and Diet Coke helped the headaches (haven't touched one in almost 18 months!) After going I was amazed at how much better I felt overall, headaches were gone, my sleep improved, little aches and pains that I wasn't aware of until they were gone disappeared. For me it is worth going once or twice a month to prevent these things. You could really call it one of two things wellness care or preventative care.
As a parent that last thing I want it to see my children suffer. By getting them preventative or wellness care they are sick less often, and I have been amazed at what a wonder a small adjustment can do to help with things such as ear infections, coughs, stomach bugs. It is pretty wonderful to see your child suffering, receive an adjustment, spike a fever and be over the illness in 24-48 hours. For me and my family it is a choice of prevention and wellness. Just as I wouldn't skimp and buy cheap vitamins, or other supplements, I make sure I am doing the best to maintain my nervous system. Choose to spend the time and money to stay healthy, or choose to spend the time and money being sick and then geting better but never experiencing your highest level of health.
Chiropractic philosophy is the power that made the body will heal the body; The chiropractor didn't fix the body, they put the body in it's optimal state to heal itself (same philosophy of homeopathy and vital force). This is evidenced in something like low back pain. You may be feeling the pain in your low back, but the subluxation may be located in between your shoulder blades. By correcting this the low back pain is alleviated. That is also why chiropractic can help with things such as blood pressure, emotions, digestive problems, carpal tunnel, sciatica just to name a few.
I know this probably sounds like an infomercial, so I want to give a little more of my own history with chiropractic. I was raised entirely allopathic, my first three children did as well. I used drugs, and doctors to their fullest extent. Had anyone told me about chiropractors I would have probably politely agreed and then talked a mean storm about what a nut they were behind their back. (this was the case with my sister-in-law who doesn't vax, I thought she was for sure her kids were going to bring every ailment to my kids, I have since apologized.) I have learned from the ground up, done so much research and been so grateful to the things my eyes have been opened up to as a result of chiropractic (this happened when my husband started chiropractic school). My children were all fully vaxxed up until needing kindergarten shots, which we happily passed on. We ate fast food several times a week, and ate mostly processed food at home. This has changed almost completely, and I am excited with how much I have learned, how much more I have to learn, and the opportunity to share this with as many people as I can. Wow this got long, I hope this answered you question. And as my husband says, if you have a nervous system, you need a chiropractor.

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