It's that time of year again, the weather is starting to change, the leaves are changing colors, and it's time to pull out the winter clothes. As my mind turns to the beauty of the changing of the seasons, one can't help but think about the illness that comes with colder weather. To some this means it's time for the Flu Shot. So today I thought I would take a moment to hit some highlights about influenza, and the flu shot.
(This is all information from a wonderful book Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z. Miller, every statistic that I quote below is documented in a medical/scientific journal somewhere. If you are curious for more specifics please let me know.Amazon.com Vaccine Safety Manual)
What is the Flu (Influenza)?
A contagious respiratory infection, that is viral in nature. It usually strikes during the winter. Symptoms include; fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, fatigue, decreased appetite. Improvement is usually seen within 2-3 days. Best to allow it to run course while increasing fluids and resting. NO ANTIBIOTICS, it's viral...
How dangerous is the flu?
In HIGH RISK GROUPS it can lead to pneumonia. Those who are considered high risk are; elderly people, people with preexisting medical problems , such as heart, lung or kidney dysfunctions. People with diabetes, anemia, or compromised immune systems are also at greater risk of complications from the flu.
How common is the flu?
Thousands of people contract the flu annually. It is common because the three main flu viruses can mutate from year to year making it difficult to develop immunity.
Preventing the flu WITHOUT a shot:
The CDC itself has a few common sense suggestions to helping prevent the flu
1. Wash your hands with warm soap and water.
Everyday when my girls get home from school the first thing they do is wash their hands.
2. Stay home if you are sick, this helps you heal faster, and helps stop the spread of the flu.
3. Do things to stay healthy.
I took a moment and thought about what makes the summer different than the winter in respect to why we become more susceptible to the flu. (The flu virus is just as prevalent in June as it is in December, it doesn't fly in on Santa's Sleigh). These are just a few of the things I came up with.
Food: in the summer we are surrounded by fresh fruits and vegetables, insuring we are getting adequate Vitamin C. So I recommend a Vitamin C supplement and this is the brand I would highly suggest Himalaya Amla C. You can buy it online are at a whole foods store.
Sunlight: Vitamin D is essential to our health, 15 minutes in the sunshine withOUT sunscreen helps with this. If you can't get that than I suggest a supplement for this as well.
Activity: In the summer there is always so much going on in the winter we can get caught in sitting a lot. Go EXERCISE!
Stress: With all of the holidays there is a lot on our plates (literally and figuratively). Take is easy, pace yourself, and don't be afraid to say no to some things. Do it for your Health!
PREVENTION is the best medicine!
Is there a flu vaccine?
Yes, every year in January or February authorities travel overseas to start their "guessing" of what strains will be at play the next flue season. I remember that just last year the guess was wrong, rendering the shot that so many got completely ineffective. The doctor may argue that by getting the shot you are lessing the effect of the flu virus you don't contract, if anyone can explain the logic behind this I'm all ears. To me this is the same logic as saying that if you get a flu vaccine and contract the chicken pox it will be less severe. The strain is also chosen by how well it is grown in eggs. Anyone with an egg allergy should NOT get the shot.
How Safe is the Flu Vaccine?
Although the doctors may claim that a negative reaction to the flu shot is not possible it is documented, VAERS reports show otherwise. Also, how many times have you spoken with someone (or been that someone) who gets the flu after getting the shot? The speaks to what the vaccine is designed for, to stimulate the immune system by mimicking the disease. I would rather do things to improve my health, and take my chances that I "might" get the flu, rather than inject the flu into mine or my child's arm. More adverse reactions
How effective is the Flu Shot?
In 2005 the Lancet published a review of all pertinent studies done on children and the flu vaccine. The review concluded that the safety of the flu vaccine in children in unknown. Most studies were not designed to assess severe reactions, and they also found evidence of systematic suppression of safety data. Researchers also found NO EVIDENCE that the vaccine prevented the flu in children under two. READ= VACCINE DOESN'T WORK IN CHILDREN UNDER TWO.
In 2004 they vaccine was under produced and only 50% of the people who usually get a shot were able to be vaccinated. That year the death rate from the flu was 1,265, 527 LESS than the previous year. A 30% reduction hmmmmm
A study was done worldwide and determined that in healthy children from 2 years old and up was only 33% effective, and again showed that in children under 2 they reached the same results as the placebo.
In 1999 just 25 children under the age of 5 died from the flu, in 2003 after the CDC began recommending the vaccine 90 children under the age of 5 died a 7 fold increase...
I know how we will be approaching the "flu season" and it WON'T include a trip to the doctor!
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