I'm BACK! It's been a nice break, and I later in February I will probably take another little hiatus (although birth may give me a whole new place to blog from!)
If this wasn't Free Info Friday I would have titled this post, "I am not my check engine light." I am not sure how many are familiar with the Ekhart Tolle book a "A New Earth" or with Oprah talking about being your true self, and being present, but we have taken on studying this. We have gone further out, up and down than just Oprah and her book of the month, and it is finally starting to sink in. The difference between being present, and not takes a bit to conquer. Overcoming your Ego, is what it takes to get there. I am further on this journey today than I was last year at this time, and to be completely honest than a was a mere 6 weeks ago.
My first realization that I was getting there happened just the other night. I got in the car to go and get some frozen yogurt. After starting the van and heading out I noticed the check engine light was on. Previously as this has happened my adrenaline immediately starts to pump, my mind starts to wonder what is wrong (this doesn't last long I am not to familiar with things under the hood) and then the biggie, how much is it going to cost. My thoughts become all consumed with this until Danny takes the van to AutoZone to have the free diagnostic test run on it, truthfully this almost increases the anxiety, worry, wonder as I am not sure what the codes mean. The next step is to call our friend and mechanic and ask him what, when, and how much. These answer either calm me down a bit or ramp things up as the bigger the cost the bigger the worry for me.
The check engine light has gone on a few times since we have lived in GA. My reaction has been similar every time to what I described above. At this moment I could only tell you one of the repairs that have been done, I have know idea how much it cost, and the best thing... It DOESN'T matter. This hasn't changed how I take care of my children, myself, or my house. This hasn't changed how I drive, pay for things, or vacations I take. The only thing I was doing was raising my heart rate, blood pressure, and stress level.
Back to a few nights ago when I noticed the check engine light was on. I looked and saw, the check engine light was on. As I sat for a moment the desire to panic was there, but it was faint. I was curious as to whether or not it had just turned on so I called Danny and asked, his reply "It's been on all day." And that is where it ended. At some point we will need to take care of this, but the van is running, it doesn't smell, it's starting, and I am not the van, or the check engine light. I did ask Danny if was going to take it to Auto Zone, and he said yeah I guess, and I have been able to leave it there. It feels good to have the control over the situation. It's also nice to recognize that what I thought was "controlling" the situation before was simply me freaking out over a small thing that didn't change me.
So far in all the books I have read and the speakers I have heard there is one that stands out above the rest. I really enjoy his style, it is basic, anyone can get it and that is because being present and overcoming your ego is basic and anyone can get it. I highly recommend buying the book (after reading 5 pages I bought one for my sister) and I am going to include a link to a video you can watch online. I have only watched the first 20 or so minutes but it was so powerful that I asked Danny to stop so I could digest what Dr. Dyer had said. Here is a link to his book "The Power of Intention". This is only one of the many books he has written, he has actually written 2 children's books on the importance of being you that I think everyone child should have. Here is a link to his video online: "Dr. Wayne Dyer video."
And here is how he sums up the first chapter in his book, and what gave me the realization that I am not my check engine light:
"At this point, as I am writing about my excitement of realizing a long-obscured truth, I knew that intention is a force that we all have within us. Intention is a field of energy that flows invisibly beyond the reach of our normal, everyday habitual patterns. It's there even before our actual conception. We have the means to attract this energy to us and experience life in an exciting new way." (To me it makes perfect sense that this "energy" that is being referred to is our spirit, it existed long before our physical bodies did and is our true self.)
"Ego is made of six primary ingredients that account for how we experience ourselves as disconnected. By allowing ego to determine your life path, you deactivate the power of intention. Briefly, here are the six ego beliefs. I've written more extensively about them in several of my previous books, most notably "Your Sacred Self."
1. I am what I have. My possessions define me.
2. I am what I do. My achievements define me.
3. I am what other think of me. My reputation defines me. (I really think this one affects a lot of us...)
4. I am separate from everyone. My body defines me as alone.
5. I am separate from all that is missing in my life. My life space is disconnected from my desires.
6. I am separate from God. My life depends on God's assessment of my worthiness.
No matter how hard you try, intention can't be accessed through ego, so take some time to recognize and readjust any or all of these six beliefs. When the supremacy of ego is weakened in your life, you can seek intention and maximize your potential."
**One note, oft time in these books, videos etc. they talk of the power of the universe, or source, and energy and intention. It didn't take me more than a second to recognize that these things are simply another term that describes God, and the Spirit. Dr. Dyer does acknowledge this in a sense in his video and his book, but I know that this makes some people uncomfortable... my advice, get over your ego ;)***
Friday, January 9, 2009
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